30 Startup Growth Lessons I Learned Before 30

Scaling, failing and everything in-between

Daphne Tideman
14 min readAug 17, 2023

I entered the fast-moving world of growth at twenty-one. I was young, naive and desperate to look older. I spent more time thinking about what professional clothing to wear to a meeting than planning the agenda.

I thought that looking older would ensure I was taken more seriously as a Growth Consultant. I fixated on what I wore, I changed how I spoke, and I constantly dreaded the all-too-frequent question of, “How old are you actually?”

At twenty-six, I was hired as a Head of Growth for a successful startup. Instead of being enough to satisfy my fear, the feeling only intensified. I was hit with the biggest case of impostor syndrome.

Who am I to lead growth at a company already making six figures? What do I even know or have to offer them? Why the hell did they hire me?

There was a little relief in working for a remote company, as I only had to stress about dressing my top half appropriately. I spent a lot of time anxiously fidgeting in my sweatpants.

I just turned thirty, and I’ve stopped having that feeling. Not only because of the cliche of wishing you’d look younger but because I don’t feel too young for the industry anymore. In fact, I’ve started to fear the…



Daphne Tideman

Startup Coach | Love to help eco-friendly startups and growth hackers grow | Author of Growing Happy Clients